iPhone app

Wayfinder Kiosk Design

For this project I was asked to do a whole rebranding of the Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre. This is a section of the project where I designed the Wayfinder Kiosk for the shopping centre. The touch screen navigator is designed into three easy sections (Search, Map, Help) for the customers to navigate their way around the shopping centre.

Group Love Album Cover

This this project I was asked to design an album cover for the band of my choice. I tried to base my colours and design on the theme of the band.

Binge Drinking T-shirt Print

The T-shirt design print was collateral for a project where I had to design a brochure about a chosen social issue (Binge drinking). I used the slogan "Don't Lose Your Standards" and created a badge style image that came across eye catching as well as conveying the negativity of binge drinking.

Max Brenner Package Design

This was a class project where I had to redesign an existing Max Brenner chocolate box and make it into a 3-box set. I chose to create my own branding and design around the words Indulge Laugh Love and creating this factory style theme implying that Max Brenner creates the atmosphere and chocolate experience around these 3 words.